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Check out our Low Price Guarantee!

If you find a lower advertised price for the same item or item package (freight, batteries, set up, in-home service, etc) anywhere, within 10 days after your purchase, we will immediately refund 120% of the difference between their price and ours.


If you find a product advertised anywhere that is equal to our price, just mention where you saw it and you get an instant $15.00 discount on any order over $300 dollars. This allows you to go ahead and get your purchase on order and do your comparison shopping later, thereby receiving your new purchase days sooner.


You may call 1 (800) 470-8940 toll free anytime and we will take care of your credit on the spot.

The product must be an exact match to our product and their package prices must include the same items and features.

Summit Peak Performer AwardAmeriGlide Platinum Dealer AwardBetter Business Bureau